Do you want to sell on the German market?

Rely on our experience!

We sell successfully on multiple platforms

We sell your products at Amazon, Allegro, eBay, ACHE, CDiscount, Kaufland

and other major sales portals in Europe.

100% satisfaction

Satisfaction of our customers is fundamental.

We focus on long-term cooperation.

We replace the word 'problem' with 'possible solutions'.

+10 markets

We serve the most popular markets in Europe!

Our specialists will advise you at every stage of implementation.

We go directly to the customers!

365 days a year

 Our services are available all year round.

Hundreds of transactions every minute!

Thanks to Us, entrepreneurs grow faster and beat the competition.

We will ensure an increase in sales of your products

W CommerceBay We offer comprehensive customer service in 8 languages: Polish, English, German, Italian, French, Spanish, Dutch and Swedish.

We provide full support for the after-sales process, as well as sales
Amazon FBA and Amazon FBM.

In addition to translation services for
e-commerce, such as Amazon, eBay, BOL and CDiscount, we support sales platforms including Kaufland Germany, the Czech Republic and Slovakia, CDON and others.

Every day we are ready to help you introduce your brand to foreign markets and introduce yourself to new customers abroad.

We will set up a sales account
We will introduce products
We will translate into 8 languages
We will prepare effective advertisements

And all this just to, so that you sell more !

Amazon FBA/FBM

Depending on your needs, we will launch sales for you in the form of FBA or FBM.

FBA - The sales and logistics process is handled by Amazon, and the seller takes care of the promotion of its products.

FBM - the sales process, promotion and logistics are left to the retailer.

Notwithstanding Your choice Our experts will provide you with expert assistance.

A thorough needs analysis

Our expert will listen to you carefully.

Together, you will analyse your needs and set expectations.

We will propose preliminary solutions so that you can imagine our cooperation.

You will receive a detailed report of our consultation.

Matching a dedicated offer

Our team will carefully analyze all collected information.

We will prepare a dedicated offer for you.

We will assign you an individual customer manager.

We will invite you to an online meeting and discuss the offer prepared for you in detail.

Project implementation and cooperation

We will carefully define common goals and prepare an action plan.

We will establish a schedule of activities and reporting methods.

You will regularly receive reports of our work and achieved goals.

Together, we will work on the constant optimization of our cooperation and your business.

Additional services and dedicated services

Our experts CommerceBay are perfectly at home in the sales environment of e-commerce platforms. We will help you from account opening to responding to comments.

We will advise on how to take care of account performance and how to deal with disputes on platforms. We will ensure that you are up to date with the ever-changing guidelines and regulations.

We recognise that concepts such as A+ Content, BuyBox i ODR can seem terrifying. We will guide you and your business step by step through the Amazon jungle.

Introduce your products on other portals


Join the ranks of our satisfied customers

Telephone: 578 999 577

Are you interested in cooperating?
Write to us and start selling!