Expanding into foreign markets: The key to global success for your business.


If you have a business in Poland and are considering how to scale it, expanding to foreign markets may be a natural step. But how do you choose the ideal market for your product or service?

Polish exports are mainly focused on a few key markets: Germany, the Czech Republic, the UK, France and Italy. The geographical and cultural proximity and the simplicity of trade with these countries make them attractive options for Polish entrepreneurs. 

Sales platforms as a springboard

Foreign sales platforms, such as Amazon, eBay or Kaufland, can serve as an excellent tool for testing foreign markets. Not only do they allow access to a huge customer base, but they also offer various analytical tools to help understand consumer needs and behaviour.

Budget and costs

Entering sales platforms also comes with costs - commissions, advertising costs, translation costs and adapting products to the platform's requirements. Therefore, setting a budget and planning your ROI thoughtfully is key. In the beginning, it is also worth taking advantage of the various support programmes offered by the platforms themselves, such as Amazon Launchpad for startups.

Branding and cultural differences

Your brand needs to speak the language of its customers, both literally and figuratively. Cultural and language differences can affect the perception of your brand and product. Adapting product descriptions, design and communication strategies to local preferences can determine success or failure in a new market.

Analytics and optimisation

Once you are on your chosen platform, don't forget to monitor the results. Analytics is the key to understanding what is working and what needs to change. Based on the data collected, we can optimise our activities, both in terms of product offering and marketing strategy.

Expansion into foreign sales platforms is a major challenge, but also a huge opportunity. With skilful use of the available tools and data, it is possible not only to enter a new market, but also to successfully conquer it. Remember that the key to success is good analysis, preparation and adaptation to the needs of consumers in a given market. 

Commercebay is an agency that specialises in introducing companies to foreign markets. With years of experience and expertise, we can help you identify the ideal market for your business and develop an effective entry strategy. 

If you are wondering how best to start expanding into foreign markets, Commercebay offers a wide range of services, from market research to logistical support and business consultancy.  

Feel free to contact us!

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